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Department of Reproduction

Head of Department

 MVDr. Alena BARTOŠKOVÁ, Ph.D.  

Academic staff and DSP students


MVDr. Kateřina CHVÁTALOVÁ, Ph.D.


Veterinary technicians


Characteristics of the workplace

The Department of Reproduction at the Dog and Cat Clinic was established in 1999 during a major reorganization of the clinical services at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Previously, issues relating to the obstetrics, gynaecology, and andrology of dogs and cats were handled by the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Andrology. The founder and first head of the Obstetrics Clinic was Prof. Emil Přibyl, DrSc. Upon his passing in 1965, leadership of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic transitioned to Prof. Eduard Kudláč, DrSc. In 1972, the Department of Andrology and Artificial Insemination was established, with Prof. MVDr. Jaroslav Kozumplík, DrSc., as its head. Following Prof. Kudláč's retirement in 1996, the role was assumed by Assoc.  Prof. Radovan Doležel, CSc. who continued in this capacity after the clinics were reorganized in 1999 under the Department of Animal Reproduction. The current head of the Department of Reproduction is MVDr. Alena Bartošková, Ph.D.

Clinical Activities

The Department of Reproduction is an integral part of the Dog and Cat Clinic, providing a full range of services in the field of small animal reproduction. It houses an outpatient clinic fully equipped for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of physiological and pathological conditions of the reproductive system in dogs and cats. A powerful stationary ultrasound machine is utilized for pregnancy diagnosis and the examination of genital organs such as the uterus, ovaries, mammary glands, testicles, and prostate. Additionally, the department is equipped with endoscopic devices and a vaginoscopic set for vaginal and uterine examinations, artificial insemination, and endoscopically assisted surgical procedures. Microscopes are employed for cytological diagnosis and andrological examinations. Furthermore, the department features two operating theatres outfitted with inhalation anaesthesia machines, vital signs monitoring equipment, electrocautery tools, and an area dedicated to the resuscitation and intensive care of newborn puppies and kittens. This area includes an incubator with an oxygen supply.

Specialists in the reproduction of dogs and cats provide comprehensive services in this area, which can be divided into 4 areas:

Full counselling and care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

    • ultrasonographic diagnosis of pregnancy, estimation of gestation length
    • determination of the expected date of delivery based on preovulatory hormonal examination
    • vaccination against herpesvirus infection in bitches
    • determination of the number of puppies and kittens before birth by X-ray
    • management of difficult births
      • assisted childbirth (ultrasound, vaginoscopy, medical solutions, manual assistance)
      • C-section
    • postnatal care, e.g.:
      • puerperal metritis
      • fetal or placental retention
      • subinvolution of placental connections
      • care of the breastfeeding mother (nutritional counselling, mammary care, management of eclampsia and mastitis)
    • neonatal resuscitation and perinatal care
    • diagnosis and treatment of infertility and abortion
  • Services in the areas of servicing and artificial insemination
    • determination of the optimal mating period for bitches
      • determination and assessment of progesterone levels in the blood
      • ultrasound examination of the ovaries and measurement of follicle size
      • vaginal cytology to determine the approximate phase of the sexual cycle or to diagnose any pathological processes
    • artificial insemination with fresh, chilled and frozen ejaculate
      • vaginal (suitable only when using good quality fresh or chilled ejaculate)
      • intrauterine transcervical endoscopically assisted (vaginal access)
      • intrauterine laparotomy (access through the abdominal cavity) intratubal laparotomy or laparoscopy in large felines (cooperation with zoos and private breeders)
    • semen collection in dogs and cats (with the possibility of electroejaculation also in zoo animals) and ejaculate examination (seminogram)
    • short-term preservation of ejaculate (chilling) and in cooperation with the Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Brno, v.v.i. also freezing of ejaculate
  • Reproduction check-ups and management of unwanted pregnancy
    • preventive surgical neutering of females, dogs, cats and felines
    • temporary medical sterilization of males and females (long term, short term)
    • induction of oestrus in bitches and female cats
    • medical and surgical termination of unwanted pregnancy
  • Diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the reproductive organs of bitches, dogs, cats and tomcats
    • ovarian pathologies (irregular cycle, prolonged oestrus, cysts, neoplasia) – ultrasound and hormonal examination, conservative and surgical treatment
    • pathological conditions of the uterus (pyometra, metritis, neoplasia) – ultrasonographic and X-ray diagnostics, vaginal cytology, endoscopy, surgical and conservative therapy
    • vaginal pathologies (vaginitis, vaginal hyperplasia, neoplasia) – vaginal cytology, vaginoscopy, endoscopy, microbiology, conservative and surgical treatment including vaginoplasty
    • pathological conditions of the mammary gland (false pregnancy and lactation, mastitis, i.e. inflammation of the mammary gland, hyperplasia, tumours) – conservative treatment, surgical treatment including complete mastectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy
    • pathologies of the male genital tract (cryptorchidism – testicular descent disorders, inflammation of the foreskin and penis, testicular tumours, prostate diseases) – ultrasound and microbiological examination, conservative and surgical therapy

Some diagnostic procedures and treatments (e.g. prostate diseases, subsequent chemotherapy and hospitalisation) are provided in collaboration with other departments of the Dog and Cat Clinic.

Information for colleagues

The department provides consultation and subsequent resolution of controversial and complicated cases at the request of general practitioners.