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Guidelines for writing and defending student thesis

- Thesis are assigned between the 3rd and 8th semester at the University departments and clinics and also at non-University (e.g. VUVeL – Veterinary Research Institute, MZLU – Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, etc.). However, the supervisor department must be a department or a clinic of the UVPS in Brno.

A student who wants to enrol for Diploma thesis shall submit a request (containing the title of the thesis, a brief proposal of the method used, the name of the supervisor and the permission of the supervisor department head) to the Dean of the faculty for approval. The student shall put the approved thesis title and supervisor name in the study record book. By doing so, the diploma thesis becomes an obligatory study duty completed with a credit procedure for the individual semesters (awarded by the supervisor) and with a defence in the 6th year at the presence of the Committee for the Diploma thesis defence incorporated in the State Examination (the overall value accredited to diploma thesis writing equals 300 hours of practical training).
The supervising department shall provide for the experimental section of the thesis. The financial funds can be acquired also from the Internal Grant Agency of the UVPS where the full time student can be a project worker.
The student shall work on an experimental project or clinical study containing new findings based on original data.

- The thesis shall have the usual division of a scientific paper, i.e.:

overview of literature related to the topic of the thesis
the objective of the thesis
material and methods
summary (abstract)
list of cited publications – traditional full citations – all authors, year of issue, title, journal name (full or in the international abbreviated form), volume, page numbers Example:WITTER K., MÍŠEK I. 1999:Time programme of the early tooth development in the domestic sheep (Ovis aries, Ruminantia). Acta Vet. Brno 68:3-8 appendixes.

- The size of the Diploma thesis is not strictly set but it should not be less than 30 pages (spacing 1.5 or 2, type size 12).

- The student shall submit the final version of the Diploma thesis in 3 print-outs accompanied by the supervisor review in the 6th week of the 10-week “state examination segment” at the latest when he or she will defend his or her thesis.

- The Dean appoints the opponent who shall assess the Diploma thesis. The defence session takes place at the presence of The Committee of the Diploma Thesis Defence as one partial State Examination. This committee shall be appointed by the Dean in accordance with the rules pro appointing State Examination committees.

- After the student submits his or her thesis, the opponents review must be available to him or her 5 days before the defence at the latest.

- If there is a serious discrepancy between the supervisor and opponent reviews, the Dean shall appoint another opponent. He or she shall, however, consider both opponents’ reviews.

The supervisor (has no vote) and the opponent shall participate at the Diploma Thesis Defence at the presence of the approved committee. The opponent has the right to vote in a situation when he or she was appointed a defence committee member.