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Department of Surgery and Orthopaedics

Head of Department

Prof. MVDr. Alois NEČAS, Ph.D., MBA

Academic staff and DSP students

Assoc. Prof. MVDr. Michal CRHA, Ph.D.
MVDr. Tomáš FICHTEL, Ph.D. 

MVDr. Markéta MRÁZOVÁ, Ph.D.
MVDr. Andrea NEČASOVÁ, Ph.D.
MVDr. Lukáš NOVÁK, Ph.D.
MVDr. Aneta RADÓ
MVDr. Michal RADÓ
Assoc. Prof. MVDr. Petr RAUŠER, Ph.D.
MVDr. Pavel SLUNSKÝ, MSc., Dipl. ECVS

MVDr. Robert SRNEC, Ph.D. 
MMedVet. Cedric TUTT LC, BScAgric, BVsc, BVc (Hons), Dipl. EVCD, MRCVS

MVDr. Lucie URBANOVÁ, Ph.D. 

Veterinary technicians and animal caretakers



Characteristics of the workplace

Surgical disciplines are among the traditional and core clinical disciplines of veterinary medicine and have been practised at our alma mater since its foundation. Like all disciplines, surgery has rapidly evolved over time. For the development of small animal surgery and orthopaedics in our country, the year 1989, known as the "Velvet Revolution", was an important historical milestone. It marked the rapid advancement of previously suppressed medicine in small animals. Contemporary small animal surgery and orthopaedics emphasize minimally invasive approaches, aiming to minimize tissue trauma, reduce perioperative pain, accelerate patient recovery, and shorten hospital stays. Most modern surgical and orthopaedic procedures now utilize endoscopically assisted techniques (such as arthroscopy, laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, and catheterization of blood vessels), as well as microsurgery. These procedures require not only advanced, costly instrumentation but also high levels of expertise and practical experience. The Department of Surgery and Orthopaedics at the DCC FVM, University of Veterinary Sciences Brno, boasts one of the most advanced operating theatres globally, equipped to perform even the most demanding surgical procedures. Additionally, the department houses top experts in the field. Given the importance of modern imaging methods (particularly high-frequency X-ray, ultrasonography, and computed tomography) in surgical practice, the department maintains close collaboration with the Department of Imaging Methods in both clinical practice and research projects. Currently, our department places significant emphasis on scientific research.

History and eminent professors in the field of surgery and orthopaedics

When the College of Veterinary Medicine in Brno was founded in 1918, it established an independent Surgical and Eye Clinic, as well as the Institute of Onychology. The first professor and head of the Surgical and Eye Clinic was Prof. Dr. Karel Pardubský, who built and led the clinic until 1945. He also served as rector from 1937 to 1945. Prof. Dr. Alois Hanslian was the inaugural head of the Institute of Onychology. In addition to his primary role, he undertook various other activities, most notably Hanslian's reforms of veterinary medicine studies and Hanslian's "Veterinary Nomenclature". Hanslian served as rector of the College of Veterinary Medicine from 1933 to 1935. In 1948, Prof. MVDr. Emanuel Král assumed leadership of both the Surgical Clinic and the Institute of Onychology and remained at the Surgical Clinic until 1977. During his tenure, the department underwent several organizational changes. The most significant of these was the creation of a new clinical field and an independent examination subject, "Veterinary Orthopaedics" in 1951, the establishment of the Department of Radiology in 1958, and the inauguration of the Surgical Orthopaedic Pavilion in 1981. An important figure in the development of Czechoslovak veterinary surgery alongside Prof. Král was Prof. MVDr. František Jurný. His book "Veterinary Surgery" from 1949 and the first Czech complete surgical monograph and textbook, "Special Veterinary Surgery", from 1958, were particularly influential in advancing the field. Other notable figures in the field include Prof. MVDr. Ján Kottman, CSc., who headed the clinic from 1977 to 1996. His six-month tenure at the Veterinary Faculty in Utrecht in 1970 significantly enhanced his professional expertise. While Prof. Kottman provided comprehensive teaching in veterinary surgery and orthopaedics, he focused his professional interests on the development of veterinary ophthalmology and orthopaedics for sport and race horses. Additional important personalities include professors Václav Roztočil and Ladislav Němeček. Prof. MVDr. Václav Roztočil, CSc. served at the clinic from 1949 to 1989. His clinical and scientific work on musculoskeletal disorders in cattle gained recognition from both domestic and foreign experts. From 1964 to 1970, he held a professorship at the University of Khartoum in Sudan. Prof. MVDr. Ladislav Němeček, CSc., former Deputy Head and Emeritus Professor of VETUNI, worked at the Clinic of Surgery and Orthopaedics from 1958 to 1998, focusing mainly on veterinary anaesthesiology and dentistry.

Contemporary small animal surgery and orthopaedics

The current school of small animal surgeons, under the leadership of Prof. MVDr. Alois Nečas, Ph.D., MBA, focuses on deepening knowledge in individual surgical specializations while emphasizing teamwork. Since assuming leadership in 1989, Prof. Nečas has introduced many new surgical procedures into practice in our country, innovated teaching methods, and made experimental work an essential part of field development. The department closely collaborates with foreign countries, both in clinical practice and research, particularly with universities in Indiana, Illinois, and Texas. Through Prof. Nečas's connections with renowned surgical experts such as Theresa Fossum, Donald Hulse, James Toombs, Karl Kraus, Brian Beale, Dominigue Griffon, Michael Willard, Paul Gerding, Matthew Miller, and others, the current surgical staff members are offered the opportunity for short- and medium-term stays at prestigious universities abroad. The primary benefit of educating the emerging young generation lies in the acquisition of new experience, which is then transferred to students in teaching surgery.

Clinical activities

In addition to clinical practice and teaching students, the department provides advisory and consultancy services for breeders and veterinarians in the Czech Republic. It actively participates in grant projects and presents itself at domestic and international congresses and conferences. Examples include the World Congress of WSAVA in Prague, the World Veterinary Orthopaedic Congress in Colorado, and practical courses held in the USA in collaboration with Tufts University. Additionally, the department hosts events such as the World Veterinary Congress in Prague.

At present, the following collaborators work in the department under the leadership of Professor Nečas, each specializing in their areas: Assoc. Prof. MVDr. Michal Crha, Ph.D. (soft tissue surgery, laparoscopy and endoscopically assisted interventions), MVDr. Tomáš Fichtel, Ph.D. (dentistry, oral surgery), MVDr. Jana Lorenzová, Ph.D. (soft tissue surgery, oncological surgery), MVDr. Petr Raušer, Ph.D. (anesthesiology and ophthalmology), MVDr. Aneta Radó and MVDr. Veronika Nováková (intensive care, anaesthesiology), MVDr. Robert Srnec, Ph.D. (orthopaedics and neurosurgery), MVDr. Lucie Urbanová, Ph.D. (laparoscopy, soft tissue surgery), MVDr. Markéta Mrázová, Ph.D. (ophthalmology), and MVDr. Lukáš Novák, Ph.D. (anaesthesiology).

Traditionally, the orthopaedic and neurosurgical specializations maintain a very high level. All specialized orthopaedic examinations are performed on an outpatient basis as part of the hospitalization service. In addition to standard surgical procedures on bones (such as surgery of pelvic and limb fractures, corrective osteotomy, triple osteotomy of the pelvis, etc.) and joints (including traumatic and congenital joint luxations, ligament ruptures, meniscus injuries, developmental diseases such as osteochondrosis, hip and elbow dysplasia, fragmented processus coronoideus, etc.), the department is also equipped for arthroscopic operations and total hip replacement in dogs. Moreover, the department serves as a reference unit for neurosurgical operations on the spine. Under the leadership of Prof. Nečas, arthroscopically assisted joint surgeries were introduced for the first time in the Czech Republic in 2001, along with spinal surgeries mentioned earlier in 1992, including surgery for intervertebral disc prolapse, vertebral fractures and luxations, wobbler syndrome, atlantoaxial luxation, and cauda equina syndrome. The department is also a leader in the successful surgical treatment of brain tumours in dogs in the Czech Republic. Prof. Nečas and Dr. Srnec specialize in orthopaedics and neurosurgery for small animals.

Soft tissue surgery

In the field of soft tissue surgery in small animals, the department currently offers not only routine wound and hernia treatments (such as umbilical, perineal, and diaphragmatic hernias) but also interventions on the digestive tract (including treatments for dilatation and volvulus of the stomach, enterotomy, enterectomy, etc.), urinary tract (such as surgeries on the prostate, kidneys, ureters, and bladder), and thoracic surgeries (including procedures on the heart and lungs). The specialist responsible for newly introduced minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures in dogs and endoscopically assisted surgeries is Assoc. Prof. MVDr. Michal Crha, Ph.D. He also has experience with the insertion of tracheal stents, offering them as one of the options for treating tracheal collapse. The spectrum of surgical procedures offered also includes tumour removal, as well as reconstructive and plastic procedures on the skin. Other traditional and well-developed areas of soft tissue surgery at the department include the surgical treatment of mammary gland tumours and portosystemic shunts. These are primarily managed by MVDr. Jana Lorenzová, Ph.D. and MVDr. Lucie Urbanová, Ph.D., who also specializes in soft tissue surgery and laparoscopically assisted procedures, including preventive laparoscopic gastropexy. Additionally, MVDr. Andrea Nečasová, Ph.D. specializes in the surgical management of portosystemic shunts. In the field of soft tissue surgery, MVDr. Pavel Slunský, Dipl. EVCS is also an expert in our department.


Concerning the ophthalmological specialization, the clinic is equipped with modern diagnostic devices, an operating microscope, and an irigoaspiration system. It offers surgical treatments for diseases of the eyelids (such as entropion and ectropion), cornea (including plastic surgery and keratectomy), tear ducts, and highly specialized surgical procedures. Examination of hereditary eye defects (such as cataracts and PRA) is also a common part of the services provided to clients. MVDr. Markéta Mrázová, Ph.D., specializes in ophthalmology and performs surgical treatment of cataracts using phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. Additionally, the examination of hereditary eye defects is currently performed by MVDr. Petr Raušer, Ph.D.


For dental examination and treatment, the department is equipped with standard instruments and materials borrowed from human dentistry and adapted for veterinary needs. Additionally, some equipment and instrumentation are specifically designed for veterinary dentistry. Among the special dental equipment available are two dental sets equipped with piezoelectric tartar removers (ultrasound), micromotors, dental turbines, and a two-way syringe. One of the sets is equipped with a light system for all working tools. Moreover, there are polymerization lamps for photocomposite materials, an amalgamator, and a dental digital X-ray machine for intraoral imaging. The spectrum of medical procedures includes both dental and cosmetic dentistry procedures within the normal range. Standard procedures performed include restorative dentistry treatments such as caries treatment, endodontic treatments, and reconstruction of damaged enamel (including abrasion and enamel hypoplasia). Significantly damaged teeth can be subsequently reconstructed, including reconstruction with a metal or ceramic crown, or composite restoration. Orthodontic care involves correcting dento-alveolar defects, such as the pathological position of teeth in occlusion causing health problems. The basis of dental care includes periodontal treatment, which comprises tartar removal, subgingival curettage, and enamel depuration. Stomatosurgery procedures encompass tooth extraction, reimplantation of luxated teeth, treatment of jaw fractures, tumour removal, tonsillectomy, oronasal fistula repair, operations on the hard and soft palate, as well as surgeries on nasal and paranasal sinuses and salivary glands. Dentistry is performed by MVDr. Tomáš Fichtel, Ph.D., MVDr. Alena Šabatová, and Dr. Cedric Tutt, BScAgric, BVsc, BVc (Hons), Dipl. EVCD, MRCVS.

Anaesthesiology and perioperative care

The surgical department of the clinic is fully equipped with inhalation devices with artificial pulmonary ventilation and monitors capable of monitoring the basic vital functions of the patient. All anaesthetic techniques are utilized for diagnostic and surgical procedures in dogs and cats, with consideration given to the specific indication for each patient. In addition to sedation, local anaesthesia techniques (including epidural anaesthesia) or general anaesthesia are employed. The course of general anaesthesia is monitored both clinically and instrumentally (including ECG, respiration, tissue oxygen supply, and blood pressure). Anaesthesia during thoracic surgery or laparoscopy with the patient connected to artificial pulmonary ventilation is also common practice. The clinic provides anaesthesia for high-risk patients, such as those with heart or kidney disease. Emphasis is also placed on perioperative analgesia. MVDr. Petr Raušer, Ph.D. ensures the development of small animal anaesthesia, while perioperative care is provided by MVDr. Aneta Radó and MVDr. Veronika Nováková. The Department of Surgery and Orthopaedics of DCC FVM VETUNI serves as a reference centre not only for the Czech Republic but is also sought after by clients from other European countries, including Slovakia, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Russia, Hungary, and Poland. This university surgical unit specializes in surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, dentistry, and anesthesiology for companion animals, particularly dogs and cats. The department treats approximately 5,000 patients annually for orthopaedic, neurological, and surgical issues. This number includes initial visits only and does not account for follow-ups, revisions, or re-treatments. A 24-hour service is available for sudden and emergency cases throughout the year.


The main focus of research activities in the Department of Surgery and Orthopaedics primarily involves projects related to new trends in orthopaedics and the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases. One of the main and extensive projects focusing on orthopaedic issues, conducted from 2006 to 2011, is the project of the National Research Programme II (NRP II ) financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic. Prof. MVDr. Alois Nečas, Ph.D., MBA serves as the researcher-coordinator for this project. The NRP II focused on "The use of newly synthesized biomaterials in combination with stem cells in the treatment of diseases affecting human mesoderm-derived tissues: cartilage, bone, ligaments, and menisci". In addition to VETUNI serving as the main investigator, the research project involved the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University in Brno, the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the CAS in Prague, the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics CAS in Liběchov, and the Faculty of Chemistry of the Brno University of Technology. Furthermore, other research programs of the Department of Surgery and Orthopaedics have traditionally been carried out in close and long-standing cooperation with doctors from the Department of Paediatric Surgery and Traumatology of the University Hospital in Brno, covering numerous research projects funded by the IGA of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. In collaboration with orthopaedic surgeons from the Brno Trauma Hospital, the Surgical Department conducted a research project under the auspices of the Society for Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy, focusing on allotransplantation of menisci. Additionally, the department has a longstanding tradition of research collaboration with the Surgical Clinic of the University Hospital in Brno-Bohunice. Contract research aimed at developing new procedures and methods in both veterinary and human medicine is also an integral part of the scientific research activities of the department. Notable examples include successful partnerships with Synthesia and the Swedish company Arcimboldo. The current research activities of the surgical department of the clinic are focused on the Central European Excellence Research Project CEITEC. Within this project, the research group "Surgery and Orthopaedics" concentrates on two main areas: firstly, the development and testing of biomaterials for implantation into defects of the musculoskeletal system in model animals, in collaboration with the Brno University of Technology. Secondly, research on the mechanisms of infectious diseases in animals is conducted in cooperation with the research groups of CEITEC VETUNI. Additionally, the department is involved in clinical research in partnership with St. Anne's University Hospital through the International Clinical Research Centre (ICRC). This collaboration, especially in the field of cardiac surgery in animal models (e.g., new procedures of heart valve transplantation), is coordinated by the university within the ICRC VETUNI. The recognition of the work of scientists from the Dog and Cat Clinic at FVM VETUNI undoubtedly contributes to the reputation of the alma Mater in the field of medical science and research. In 2021, Prof. MVDr. Alois Nečas, Ph.D., MBA and his research team received the Honorary Recognition from the Minister of Health for Medical Research and Development for the year 2020. This recognition was awarded for the successful resolution of a grant project funded by the Agency for Medical Research of the Czech Republic, focusing on the healing of extensive bone, tendon, and ligament defects using new biomaterials.


Prof. MVDr. Alois Nečas, Ph.D., MBA
Prof. MVDr. Ladislav Němeček, CSc.