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About the Faculty

Welcome to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Veterinary Sciences Brno website.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) is one of two faculties of the University of Veterinary Sciences Brno. It is the direct continuator of the Veterinary University established according to law no. 76 from 12th December 1918.

It is the only University of this type in the Czech Republic. Teaching programmes taught at the faculty were successfully re-accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic to the maximum possible duration period – till the end of 2013.

The organizational structure of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is created by 4 sections and the Dean`s Office. Sections are subdivided into separate institutes and clinics.

Teaching programmes are provided by 13 institutes and clinics of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with the cooperation of the Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology. Nowadays there are more than 700 students in the Master`s degree programme and about 90 students in the Doctor`s degree programme at the faculty.

Acceptance of both foreign and Czech students to the Master`s degree programme of the FVM is conditioned by the completion of secondary school and by successful completion of the entrance exams in chemistry and biological science at the high/secondary school level.

Faculty offers global education in the field of diagnostics, therapy and prevention against contagious and non-contagious diseases of animals and basic knowledge of animal-origin food hygiene. The study is for six years (12 semesters). The total amount of teaching hours is 5149, consisting of 1470 hours of lectures and 3679 hours of practice (seminars, practice and research at clinics).

Each semester lasts for 12 - 15 weeks with approximately 25 hours of direct teaching. After the completion of the semester an examinational term follows when exams from all terminated disciplines and subjects are taken. A student is supposed to take 44 exams in total during the whole period of study.

Studies are finished with a state rigorous exam consisting of 4 Compulsory State Rigorous Exams (Diseases of the Dogs and Cats, Diseases of Ruminants and Swine, Food Hygiene and Legislation and Infectious Diseases), and one Elective State Rigorous Exam (Equine Diseases, Dissertation Defence, Poultry Diseases, Reptiles, Avian & Small Mammals Diseases) and extra compulsory assignments such as practice at clinics, diagnostic laboratory and abattoir.

Diseases;Equine Diseases;Dissertation Defence;Poultry Diseases;Avian, Reptiles & Small Mammals Diseases;Swine Diseases;Clinical Pathology) and extra compulsory assignments such as practice at clinics, diagnostic laboratories and abattoirs.

Successful graduates of the Master`s degree programme at FVM obtain the academic degree „Doctor of Veterinary Medicine" (MVDr.).

Teaching programmes for each discipline and subject have been adapted to those applied in European Union countries, which represents good conditions for our graduates to work and explore in those countries as well as in non-European countries. Also, the accredited curriculum is under these conditions. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is a member of the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education - - EAEVE.

Both Czech and foreign students can be accommodated in the university residence hall with all-day dining facilities. The charge for the accommodation is up to 100 USD per month. The capacity of the university residence hall is limited so not all our students can be accommodated there.

Accommodation in private housing is also possible. Here the prices are higher than those in the residence hall and will vary according to the specific accommodation.

For student`s needs is also available the central library with a reading room on the campus with global studying literature, magazines and books of veterinary medicine and related branch of knowledge. According to their interest students can work as volunteers or research workers at clinics and institutes.

Graduates of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine obtain complete medical education with a veterinary specialization and are fully capable to assert as private veterinarians, employees of the State Veterinary Administration of the Czech Republic, consultants and specialists in pedigree animal breeding service, in the institutes for research and diagnostic of all kinds, in agrarian and animal breeding organizations, work for pharmaceutical or insurance companies, in the food processing industry, in the civil service etc.

They can also work in the field of health service, epidemiological protection, inspection, control, trade, management, ecology, hygiene etc., at high and secondary schools and universities and in other places.

Students interested in the Doctor`s degree programme at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine can apply for 3 years of study in full-time or combined form of 13 elected veterinary medicine specializations which are concluded by the state rigorous exams and dissertation defence.
Successful postgraduate students obtain the academic degree „Doctor of Philosophy“ (Ph.D.).